On the 3rd of February the second workshop of the case study of the Municipality of Rafina- Pikermi took place in the city hall of Rafina. The workshop was very successful, with over 30 participants from the Fire Brigade of the region, the Civil Protection of the Region and the Municipality, volunteer groups, local schools, as well as citizens of various ages.

In the first part of the workshop, group discussions were held on the risks that may affect the areas of the municipality, the areas considered most vulnerable, as well as other issues related to the participants’ perception of the risks and the actions to be taken in case of their outbreak.
The results from the discussions will help to understand and bridge the gap that exists between the perceptions of citizens and civil protection authorities about the risk and their respective expected actions.

In the second part of the workshop, participants were trained in the use of the two applications developed within RiskPACC and implemented in the Rafina case study (Aeolian app, mapping damages app). They had the opportunity to download the applications on their mobile phones, test and evaluate them, thus providing useful end-user feedback to the technical partners for their further development until the next stage of the progress of the two applications.
The new version of the two technological tools will be presented at the next workshop, on 30 March, in order to be re-evaluated by end-users (citizens, volunteers, civil protection authorities), so as to create their final version.