“Completion of perception and action to enhance the interaction between Civil Protection and Citizens” Workshop: To Take Away
The Workshop on “Completion of perception and action to enhance the interaction between Civil Protection and Citizens” within the RiskPacc Project organized by the Municipality of Rafina Pikermi achieved a measurable success thanks to the variety of participants belonging to various categories such as members of Medicines Sans Frontiers, the Police, the Local and Regional Fire Department, the Region, the Coastguard, local cultural and athletic associations along with the local volunteer group, girl-scouts, teachers and local citizens.

As publicly stated on the website of the Rafina Pikermi Municipality (for more info, follow the link First workshop in the framework of the European Program RiskPACC for the enhancement of the interaction between Civil Protection and Citizens | MUNICIPALITY OF RAFINA PIKERMI (rafina-pikermi.gr)) the twofold goal of the workshop entailed boosting the awareness of the citizens and improving their relationship with the Civil Protection Authorities, and strengthening voluntary associations.

Thirty two participants were present and contributed to the triumph of the event by giving their valuable support and remarkable insights during the roundtables the Municipality of Rafina Pikermi organized in order to ensure a great interaction and ideas exchange.