Events, Project News

RiskPACC Eilat Case Study

Earlier this month, the Municipality of Eilat and Magen David Adom, both partners of the RiskPACC Project, ran  the Eilat case study a workshop. They aimed at analyzing and understanding the preparedness of volunteers in the Municipality of Eilat and at Magen David Adom, for earthquakes, focusing on the gap between knowledge about the risk and the actions taken in preparation for it.

Workshop’s Goals :

After holding three workshops in Eilat for the volunteers of MDA and MoE, it was decided to hold a final workshop to summarize the achievements of the case study and the project so far. The goals were:

– To present the participants the results and finding of the Eilat case study and the RiskPACC project, including a review of the technological tools used in the case study, and receive their feedback. 

– To have a closing presentation and discussion with the participants regarding the RPAG. 

– To have a discussion on citizens’ preparedness based on the expert presentation. 

– To thank and participants for their contribution to the project activities.


Look at the report to know more on the RiskPACC Eilat Workshop